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Unit 1, Meadowbrook, Businesspark,
Jacaranda Street, Olivedale, 2188



Contact Number:

010 5346 008

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With our drops, you don’t have to limit your choices anymore! ❌

Sulphite Aid | Sulphite neutralising drops | sulphite sensitivity | wine allergies | wine headaches

Sulphite Neutralising Drops are a game-changer!

Sulphite Aid is a scientifically tested and proven formula that helps people with a sulphite sensitivity or allergy who feel awful when sipping on red wine, white wine, rosé, champagne, sparkling wine, cider and fruit juice by neutralising the sulphites in these beverages in 30 seconds without affecting the taste.

Sulphite Aid | Sulphite neutralising drops | sulphite sensitivity | wine allergies | wine headaches